vs. Brookline & Boston Latin Schools, Wednesday 4/20


On Wednesday 4/20, CRLS Crew races against Brookline High School and Boston Latin School! We’ve entered SIX boats in this race hosted here on the Charles River.

Click here for a map of the race course.
Click here to view race results after the regatta.

– All competing male athletes (including designated spares) will arrive at CBC for check-in at:
          7:30am (B2V4+, B3V4+), 8:30am (B1V4+)
– All competing female athletes (including designated spares) will arrive at CBC for check-in at:
          7:15am (G2V4+, G3V4+), 8:15am (G1V4+)
– All competing athletes should wear the required racing unisuit
– Athletes will have a lunch break until afternoon practice begins at 12:00pm (Girls) and 1:45pm (Boys)

9:00am – Women’s 2V4+ & 3V4+
9:15am – Men’s 2V4+ & 3V4+
10:00am – Women’s 1V4+
10:15am – Men’s 1V4+

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