Rumble on the River, Sunday 9/14


Tomorrow is our first regatta of the Fall 2014 season! We’ve entered FIVE boats in the Rumble on the River hosted by Community Rowing’s Harry Parker Boathouse. Visit their website for more general information about the event.

Click here to view line-ups.
Click here to view race times and live updating results.

Varsity Girls who are competing should arrive at CBC at 9:00am.
Varsity Boys who are competing should arrive at CBC at 10:00am.

You should wear your new racing unisuits, bring water bottles, wear hats & sunglasses, and use sunscreen. Be sure to also bring snacks and a change of clothes for after the race. We also recommend biking to CBC so you can bike back to CRI after racing for the festivities. All our boats will row back to CBC to be dismissed after racing.

Parents and athletes not racing should meet at the Beacon Street Bridge, just downstream from Community Rowing’s Boathouse (here’s a map). There you can see the crews navigate the narrowest part of the river, “the sandbar”, vie for a lane under the bridge, and make the tight turn into the sprint for the finish.

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