MPSRA Championship Regatta, Sunday 5/24


On Sunday 5/24, CRLS Crew travels to Lowell, MA for the Massachusetts Public School Rowing Association (MPSRA) Championship Regatta. We’ve entered TEN boats in this regatta hosted on the Merrimack River! Visit their website for more general information about the event.

Click here for a map of the race location.
Click here to view LIVE updating results.

– All competing athletes (including designated spares) will arrive at CBC for check-in at 6:30am
– All competing athletes should wear the required racing unisuit
– Bus will depart from CBC at 6:45am
– There are a very limited number of seats available on the bus for non-competing athletes (first come, first served)
– After the regatta, we should return to CBC by approximately 7:30pm


10:32a G1N8+ Heat 2, Lane 1
(Final 3:46p)
10:08a B1N8+ Heat 2, Lane 5
(Final 3:38p)
12:54p G2V4+ Heat 1, Lane 3
(Final 5:22p)
11:50a B3V4+ Heat 2, Lane 3
(Final 4:42p)
2:22p G1V4+ Heat 3, Lane 4
(Petite 6:18p, Grand 6:26p)
12:46p B2V4+ Heat 3, Lane 4
(Final 5:14p)
4:18p G4V4+ Final, Lane 3 1:58p B1V4+ Heat 3, Lane 4
(Petite 6:02p, Grand 6:10p)
4:50p G3V4+ Final, Lane 3 4:10p B4V4+ Final, Lane 3

Transportation: If you are unable to travel with the team on the bus to and from the regatta, you must complete and submit a signed Transportation Waiver to the Athletics Department no later than 48 hours before the event. Not all requests will be granted.

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