CRLS at the CRI Fall Classic, Saturday, September 21

Announcements, Race Schedule

CRLS at the CRI Fall Classic

The fall racing season kicks off tomorrow, with the varsity squads competing at the CRI Fall Classic. For those of you who are new to the sport, CRI is Community Rowing, an amazing program located up the river in Brighton.  We can’t say enough about the work that CRI has done to transform the sport, so we urge you all to learn more about it here. Also, if you’re interested in learning how to row, CRI is the place to go!

All athletes should check in with their coaches for any last minute instructions, but the schedule is as follows: girls and the boys’ 2x should arrive at CBC no later than 9:00am. The rest of the boys need to be at CBC at 11:00am.

We will have some fruit for the kids, but it is the responsibility of each athlete to fuel up appropriately before arrival.(For families with questions about nutrition and rowing, please visit this link.)

We have 5 girls 4+s, 5 boys 4+s, and 1 boys 2x racing. Race schedule as follows:

  • 10:09am – Men’s Jr. 2x
  • 10:49am – Women’s Jr. 4+
  • 12:40pm – Men’s Jr. 4+

Heat sheets
are available here. Check with your athlete for lineup details.

The race starts between Weeks and Anderson (the section of the river between Harvard and HBS) and runs upstream, finishing at CRI. A map of the course, including the best viewing sites, is attached and available here.
Results will be available here.

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